I am confident in the safety of cruise ships. In fact, I am leaving this Sunday to escort a large group on a seven day western Caribbean cruise on the new Carnival Magic. I would not recommend to any customer doing something I wouldn't do myself. Cruising is like any other activity where you are together with thousands of other people. You have to exercise reasonable care and caution and not place yourself in a position of vulnerability. As far as ships go, modern ships are equipped with high tech, sophisticated state-of-the-art safety equipment. If view of the Costa incident, procedures and practices are under serious scrutiny so it is probably safer to cruise today than any time in recent memory.
There have been no price reductions in the industry as a whole I am aware of because of the Costa incident. To the contrary, demand has remained very strong. We will of course monitor pricing and if we find anything that will benefit your booking we will make every effort to apply it.
The sinking of the Concordia is a definite blemish on the cruise industry. If you have a person like the captain who engages in stupid, reckless behavior, he should be held strictly accountable and in my opinion spend time in jail. I also believe Costa should be held accountable as they hired and retained the captain in spite of what appears to be previous problems he had. There is no excuse for that. However, those who cruise or are considering a cruise should not lose sight of the overall stellar safety record of the cruise industry.